5 critical roles of Search engine Marketers

If you want incredible traffic and conversion, getting search engine marketers can be your best bet. Here are things that will assist you get the best
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If you look critically into the recent job market, there are a lot of emerging roles that were not available some years ago. These roles are becoming more prominent all over the world. Here in Nigeria, many companies are not also joining the trend and are a little away from the old traditional job times. Roles like Growth Manager, Product Team Manager, etc are springing up fast.

With the recent increase in the adoption of the internet, online sales  to marketplaces are on daily basis. Searches through a popular search engine like Google are in billions and google has created a vehicle through which website owners can reach out directly to their audience who are in their search engine, which is known as search engine marketing.

In this post, I will be sharing with you all you need to know about search engine marketing and marketers, what exactly these marketers do, and you can be a successful search engine marketer. 

Who are search engine marketers?

Think of a search engine marketer as someone responsible for helping others make a buying decision when they use a search engine like google. They are professionals who specialize in promoting websites and increasing their footfall and appearance on search engine results pages. This is typically done through a combination of techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and link building.

Search engine marketers typically work with businesses or organizations to help them improve their online presence and increase the amount of traffic to their websites. They use a variety of tactics to achieve this, such as conducting keyword research to determine which terms and phrases people are using when searching for products or services related to the client’s business. They may also create and optimize the website content to ensure that it is relevant to the client’s target audience and contains the keywords that people are using to search for that type of content.

In addition to optimizing a website’s content and structure, search engine marketers may also engage in link-building. This involves acquiring links from other websites that point back to the client’s site. These links serve as “votes of confidence” that can help improve the site’s ranking on search engine results pages.

If we consider their overall purpose, it is fair to say that the goal of a search engine marketer is to increase a website’s visibility on search engine results pages, which can lead to more traffic, more leads, and ultimately more revenue for the client.

What do search engine marketers do?

Search engine marketers are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Creating and optimizing website content to ensure it is search engine friendly;
  • Conducting keyword research;
  • Building links from other websites;
  • Setting up and managing search engine advertising campaigns (e.g., Google Adwords);
  • Analyzing search engine data and making recommendations to improve search engine rankings;
  • Monitoring search engine results pages (SERPs) for changes in search rankings;
  • Keeping up to date with recent developments in search engine optimization (SEO);
  • Creating reports on the effectiveness of search engine marketing campaigns.

5 critical roles of search engine marketers

I have seen instances where roles and job description for a search engine marketer is mixed up with a digital marketer, now let’s look at some roles that are critical to search engine marketers.

1. Keyword Researcher

As a search engine marketer, one of the most important parts of the job is keyword research. Researching and identifying the best keywords to target helps search engine marketers create effective search campaigns that are optimized for search engine results. Knowing which search terms people are entering into search engines is critical to accurately track performance and determine if campaigns are successful. Keyword research is an ongoing process though, as search engine algorithms change frequently and it’s important to be able to stay on top of those changes. Doing keyword research not only helps search engine marketers Gauge how their campaigns are performing but also identifies trends that can be used to improve search performance over time. By staying up-to-date on search algorithms and consistently doing thorough keyword research, search engine marketers can build campaigns that help their companies get more visibility and drive more success.

To be a successful search engine marketer, you must know what keywords people are using to search for products or services related to the client’s business. A keyword researcher is responsible for finding and analyzing these terms, so they can be used in website content, search engine advertising campaigns, and link-building efforts.

2. SEO Specialist

As search engine markets evolve and search algorithms become increasingly sophisticated, search engine optimization specialists play an increasingly important role for search engine marketers. Search engine optimization (SEO) specialists are responsible for optimizing search engine rankings, making sure that the search results provided by search engines are of the highest quality. By optimizing search queries and leveraging various strategies to improve visibility, SEO specialists ensure search engine users have access to the most relevant content. Without their expertise, search engine marketers’ efforts to increase traffic and maximize ROI would be severely hindered. So, it is clear that SEO specialists are essential in helping search engine marketers succeed in their goals today.


An SEO specialist is someone who can create search engine-friendly website content and optimize the structure of a website for search engines. They must be knowledgeable about search engine algorithms and able to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in search engine optimization (SEO).

3. Link Builder

As search engine marketers, link builders are key players in driving search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns. Link building plays a major role in improving a website’s search engine visibility and ranking, as search engines favor websites with more quality backlinks from authority sites. Effective link building can help search engine marketers increase organic search traffic to their website by increasing the number of referrals from other websites to their own. Link builders create relationships with external digital media sources and publishers to gain links back to their websites so search engine crawlers know the site is credible. In addition, link building also helps search engine marketers build trust and goodwill within a given industry or niche by creating new opportunities for mutual benefit.

A link builder is responsible for acquiring links from other websites that point back to the client’s website to improve search engine rankings. They must have an understanding of search engine algorithms and know how to evaluate a website’s credibility, trustworthiness, and relevance before linking to it.

4. Paid Search Manager

A Paid Search Manager is a search engine marketer who specializes in search engine marketing and particularly, managing the paid search campaigns of a business or organization. As the name implies, this search engine marketer’s primary focus and expertise lie in developing and optimizing effective pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns. Through their expert analysis and search engine optimization strategies, the Paid Search Manager can ensure that their client’s ads show up prominently when potential customers search for their product or services online. The goal of the Paid Search Manager is to drive more targeted traffic to their client’s web pages, while at the same time increasing conversions via strategic ad placement. Ultimately, by optimizing the return on investment (ROI) from PPC initiatives, a Paid Search Manager stands out as an invaluable asset to any search engine marketer’s team.

A paid search manager is responsible for setting up and managing search engine advertising campaigns (e.g., Google Adwords). They must be knowledgeable about search engine algorithms and have an understanding of keyword research and bid management strategies.

5. Analytics Expert and other reporting tools

Search engine marketers know that analytics and reporting tools are essential parts of their job. An Analytics Expert is a search engine marketer who specializes in analyzing consumer data, traffic sources, and behavior to develop actionable insights needed to effectively run search engine marketing campaigns. These Analytics Experts have the skillset necessary to properly use search console tools, analytics suites, or any other reporting software for the best outcome for search engine marketing efforts. They can extract data from multiple sources across all digital channels and accurately measure ROI-driven performance through detailed reporting and analysis. On top of that, an Analytics Expert can help search engine marketers predict future trends and optimize their efforts accordingly. An analytics Expert is truly a valuable part of any search engine marketer’s team!

Analyzing search engine data to determine the effectiveness of search engine marketing campaigns is one of the most important roles of search engine marketers. This includes reviewing search engine data to identify potential opportunities for improvement, as well as making recommendations on how to best optimize search campaigns for maximum results.

How can you be a successful search engine marketer?

Most roles in marketing are getting competitive, as more and more people are joining. This is why regardless, you must be good at it before you can stick a claim in the marketing world. To become a successful search engine marketer, you need to have an in-depth understanding of the industry and all its key components. You must be knowledgeable about search engine algorithms, keyword research, link-building techniques, analytics and reporting tools, SEO best practices, and PPC strategy. Above all else, search engine marketers must always strive to stay up-to-date on the ever-changing search engine landscape. By perfecting their craft and staying ahead of the curve, search engine marketers can maximize search campaigns to drive meaningful results for their clients. With patience, dedication, and hard work, search engine marketers can make a lasting impact on search engine marketing initiatives!

Benefits of search engine marketing

One thing that I have to emphasize to you many times about Search engine marketing is that it is one of the most cost-effective and powerful digital marketing tools available. With search engine marketing, businesses can achieve higher search rankings, gain more visibility for their products or services, and generate more leads and sales than ever before. This form of marketing is especially beneficial for small businesses as it allows them to compete on a larger stage with larger companies. As search engine marketing is one of the most targeted forms of online advertising, search engine marketers can ensure that their ads are displayed in front of the right people at the right time, making it a powerful tool for driving traffic, leads, and conversions to your website.

With search engine marketing, search engine marketers have the potential to vastly increase a business’s search engine presence, helping them to reach their desired goals and objectives.  With the right search engine marketing strategy in place, search engine marketers can help businesses to increase their visibility, enhance their search rankings, and drive more leads and conversions than ever before.

Tips for search engine marketing

 If you want to be a successful search engine marketer, there are a few things you need to keep in mind;

  1. Make sure that you’re optimizing for the right search terms as this will help ensure your search campaigns are targeting the right audience.
  2. It is important to take advantage of free tools like Google AdWords and Analytics to get the most out of search engine marketing.
  3. Search engine marketers need to stay up-to-date on the latest search engine algorithms and best practices to ensure that their search campaigns are optimized for maximum results.


If you are looking at exploring a career path in search engine marketing, to be honest with you, there is no better time than now, and you can rest assured it will be highly rewarding for you.

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