Best free email marketing platform revealed - 2023

If you are low on marketing budget and you need a free email marketing platform that is powerful and get's the job done, here are top 5 for you
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It was a typical Wednesday morning and Jane, the owner of a small online clothing boutique, was sitting at her desk trying to figure out how to increase sales. She had recently heard about the power of email marketing but didn’t know where to start. After some research, she stumbled upon a blog post that listed the top free email marketing platforms for small businesses. Excited to try one out, she signed up for the platform that seemed the best fit for her business and began crafting her first newsletter.

To her surprise, the results were almost immediate. Within a few days, she was receiving orders from customers who had received and clicked on her newsletter. She was thrilled with the increased exposure and sales for her business and couldn’t believe it was all thanks to a free email marketing platform.

If you’re a small business owner like Jane, you know how important it is to have a reliable and effective way to reach your customers. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top free email marketing platforms to help you grow your business and succeed in today’s competitive market.

What is an email marketing platform?

An email marketing platform is a tool or service that allows businesses to manage and execute email marketing campaigns. These platforms typically provide features such as email list management, templates and design tools, and performance tracking and analytics. The goal of using an email marketing platform is to help businesses send targeted and personalized emails to their customers, intending to increase engagement, sales, or other desired outcomes. Email marketing platforms can be used to send newsletters, promotional messages, transactional emails, and other types of communication. Some examples of popular email marketing platforms include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor.

Some of these email marketing platforms are paid for because of the quality of services that they render, while some others are free to use, at least for now. So, first, we are going to explore the paid version before looking at the free versions.

Listed below are 5 paid email marketing platforms;

  • Mailchimp
  • Constant Contact
  • Campaign Monitor
  • iContact
  • AWeber

Free email marketing platform

As small business owner who is not making enough margins yet, we often start by looking for free tools and solutions to avoid high overhead. One such is looking for a free email marketing platform. These are tools or services that offer basic email marketing functionality at no cost to the user. While free platforms may not have all of the advanced features of paid email marketing services, they can still be a valuable resource for businesses, particularly small businesses or those just starting with email marketing. Free platforms typically offer features such as email list management, basic templates and design tools, and basic performance tracking and analytics. Some popular examples of free email marketing platforms include Mailchimp, Sendinblue, and SendGrid.

Here are our picks for 5 free to use platform

  • Mailchimp
  • Sendinblue
  • SendGrid
  • TinyLetter
  • Mad Mimi

Mailchimp is a popular email marketing platform that offers a free plan for users as part of plan options. The free plan allows businesses to send up to 10,000 emails per month to up to 2,000 subscribers. It includes basic features such as email list management, customizable templates, and performance tracking and analytics. The free plan does not include access to some of Mailchimp’s more advanced features, such as advanced segmentation and automation, and users on the free plan may also see Mailchimp branding in their emails. However, the free plan is a good option for businesses that are just starting with email marketing and want to try out the platform before committing to a paid plan

Sendinblue like some of the other email platforms offers a free plan for users. The free plan allows businesses to send up to 300 emails per day to an unlimited number of subscribers. It includes basic features such as email list management, customizable templates, and performance tracking and analytics. The free plan does not include access to some of Sendinblue’s more advanced features, such as automation and A/B testing, and users on the free plan may also see Sendinblue branding in their emails. However, the free plan is a good option for businesses that are just starting with email marketing and want to try out the platform before committing to a paid plan. Additionally, users who exceed the daily sending limit on the free plan can upgrade to a paid plan at any time.

SendGrid is a revolutionary email marketing platform that gives users access to their free plan for no cost whatsoever. The free plan allows businesses to send up to 100 emails per day to an unlimited number of subscribers. It includes basic features such as email list management, customizable templates, and performance tracking and analytics. SendGrid’s free plan is filled with everything you need to get started, but unfortunately, it doesn’t come loaded with the more sophisticated features like automation and A/B testing. Additionally, users of this plan may view SendGrid branding whenever they send an email. If you’re just taking your first steps in email marketing, the free plan is an excellent place to start. Test out the platform and get a feel for how it works before investing in a paid membership.

TinyLetter is a great free email marketing platform that offers users a basic plan at no cost. The free plan allows businesses to send an unlimited amount of emails to up to 2,000 subscribers. It includes features such as email list management, customizable templates, and performance tracking and analytics. Unfortunately, the free plan does not include access to some of TinyLetter’s more advanced features, such as automation and A/B testing. Additionally, users of this plan may view TinyLetter branding in their emails.

Mad Mimi provides an unparalleled email marketing experience to customers with a free plan and all the features you need to reach your marketing goals! Whether you’re just starting or want more advanced tools, Mad Mimi has something for everyone. With no cost involved, it’s easy to get started and begin creating campaigns that will help drive engagement from your subscribers. The free plan allows businesses to send up to 12,000 emails per month to an unlimited number of subscribers. It includes features such as email list management, customizable templates, and performance tracking and analytics. Even those on the free plan have access to powerful features such as automation and A/B testing with Mad Mimi! You don’t need to pay a penny for these advanced tools. Nevertheless, users might come across Mad Mimi branding in their emails. But don’t worry – the free plan is a fantastic way to get a taste of what this platform can do before committing fully.

Cheap email marketing platforms

The ones mentioned above are some of the best. Each platform provides a reliable way to start marketing your business without having to break the bank. So, why not explore one of these free email marketing platforms today and see how it can help you reach your goals?

Free email marketing software for WordPress

Personally, my experience using Mailster on most of my WordPress websites for email campaigns and automation has been great so far. It’s a free plugin that enables powerful automation features to help you grow your business. With all the features you need, such as email list segmentation, customizable templates, analytics, performance tracking, A/B testing, and much more – this will be a great addition to your business arsenal. It has a one-time fee of $89 after which it is free to use for life.

So, if you’re looking for free email marketing software for your WordPress website, Mailster is a great choice.

Best free email marketing software for small business

Preferences differ, this is why it is a tough call to say this particular one is the best, however, if you look closely at the list of these options I have provided for both free and paid versions, I am sure they will be able to service all your unique need. You can also consider the following factors before making a choice;


Ease of use and configuration. if you are not too ‘techy’, then you want to use the simplest plugin that won’t in any way requires your code at any point.

 Templates and tools to get you started. I greatly recommend anyone that has a drag-and-drop email template design building, which is visual.


No matter which platform you choose, make sure that it offers all the features you need to reach your marketing goals, you can always get a marketing tool at no cost to start with, and as your need grows, you can switch to a paid version which may offer you more features and flexibilities. Additionally, be sure to consider ease of use and configuration before making a final decision. With so many great options available, there’s no reason not to start email marketing today.

Do you need help running a successful email marketing, we can assist you to get it sorted, click here to get started with the Aranaweb team.