Deleting Instagram account? 2 ways to and Why?

What process can you follow in Deleting Instagram account, how can you reactivate your account and many more you need to know about IG
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My friend Sarah had been on Instagram for years. She loved it because it was a great way to stay connected with friends and family all over the world. But recently, she started to feel like it was taking up too much of her time. She was always checking her phone to see if she had any new notifications and felt like she was missing out on important moments in her life. So she decided on deleting Instagram account.

If you too have been feeling the same way and want to delete your Instagram account, in this article, I will be sharing with you all you need to know about deleting your account, the safest way to do it, and factors you must consider before attempting to delete your account.

Why deleting Instagram account?

People delete their Instagram accounts for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s because they no longer wish to be part of the online space in which the platform exists; for others, deleting their account is the only way they feel they can remove themselves from the overwhelming pressure of maintaining validation that they experience through it. It could also be due to security or privacy concerns as there have been many issues surrounding privacy on social media sites. In some cases, deleting an Instagram account might be motivated by mental health issues such as anxiety and depression connected with comparing oneself to others; this attitude often results in feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and depression. No matter what your reasoning for deleting an Instagram account may be, it is always good to consider the effects that deleting can have both now and in the future.

Other factors are;

  1. Negative experiences with the platform, such as bullying or harassment
  2. Felt pressure to be active on the app and felt social anxiety or loneliness as a result
  3. Didn’t like how the app made them feel about themselves- for example, feeling like they had to compare their life to others on Instagram
  4. Privacy concerns or feel that their account was hacked
  5. Deleting because they no longer wanted to be part of the online space
  6. Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are connected with comparing themselves to others

Why Instagram deactivate account?

Deactivating your Instagram account is different from deleting it, and can be done if you want to take a break from the platform with the option to reactivate it in the future. When you deactivate an Instagram account, your profile will no longer appear on the app or website, but all your content and messages will remain intact if you choose to reactivate the account.

Deleting Instagram Account? This is how to!

If you’ve decided to delete your Instagram account, there are a few steps you should take:

  1. Download a copy of your data – You can download a copy of your information before deleting it so that it doesn’t get lost forever.
  2. Unlink your Instagram account from other services – Make sure to disconnect your Instagram account from any other services you’ve connected it to, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Dropbox.
  3. Delete comments & DMs – Consider deleting any comments or direct messages you may have sent out on the platform before deleting your account so that it’s completely wiped from the platform.
  4. Delete photos & videos – You can also delete any photos or videos you may have posted to Instagram before deleting the account.
  5. Delete your account – Once you’ve taken care of everything, you can go ahead and delete your account by following the instructions on this page.

Deleting Instagram account vs deactivating account

When deleting an Instagram account, it’s important to understand the difference between deleting and deactivating your account. Deleting an Instagram account permanently removes all of your content, while deactivating the account only hides it from public view and makes it non-discoverable. Deactivating an account is a reversible process while deleting an account is not. You can deactivate your Instagram account at any time by going to the settings page and clicking on “deactivate my account”.

How to deactivate an instagram account

To deactivate your Instagram account, go to the settings page and click on “deactivate my account”. You will then need to confirm that you want to deactivate your account. Once this is done, all of your content will no longer be visible to anyone else on the platform and it won’t appear in any searches or other parts of the app. Furthermore, you won’t be able to access any features of the app, including direct messages and your profile page. However, deactivating your account does not delete it; if you decide to reactivate your account at a later date, all of your content will still be available.

How to re-activate an Instagram account

To re-activate your Instagram account, simply log back in with the same username and password that you used to create the account. Your content will be available as it was before you deactivated your account. However, if you have deleted your account instead of deactivating it, then you will not be able to recover any of the content or messages that were on the account.

Why it may be best to delete your Instagram account and start over

Sometimes deleting an Instagram account and starting over can be the best option. It allows you to take a break from the platform, create a new account with a different username and start fresh with no followers or content. This can be especially helpful if your primary reason for deleting is related to mental health issues such as anxiety or depression connected with comparing yourself to others on the platform. Starting from scratch can be a good way to reset your relationship with the app and allow you to start fresh with a healthier mindset around it.

No matter what your reasoning for deleting an Instagram account may be, it’s always important to consider all of your options carefully before making any decisions. Deleting an account can have both positive and negative effects, so it’s important to make sure you are making the best decision for yourself. Weigh the pros and cons of deleting or deactivating your Instagram account before taking any action.


The potential implications of deleting Instagram account – both now and in the future. It is also important to remember that deleting or deactivating the account will not solve any underlying issues you may be having with social media. Consider talking to a mental health professional if you are struggling with your relationship with social media.

Finally, deleting an Instagram account is a personal decision and should only be done if it feels right for you. If deleting or deactivating your account doesn’t feel like the right choice for you, there are other ways to manage your time spent on the platform and create a positive experience. Consider deleting or archiving old posts, limiting the amount of time you spend on the app, and focusing on connecting with people who bring out your best self.