Don’t Join affiliate marketing in Nigeria without reading this

Fool-proof way to become a successful in affiliate marketing in Nigeria, mistakes to avoid, and how to skyrocket your revenue finally revealed here!
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What many people know about affiliate marketing is mostly limited to the ‘How to make money’ kind of statements that litters the internet, especially in Nigeria by ‘experts’. A lot of people have followed these suggestions and gotten their hands burnt and lost so much money, while others have been largely successful, just like Mary.

As a young entrepreneur in Nigeria, Mary had always been on the lookout for new opportunities to grow her business. When she heard about the potential for earning extra income through affiliate marketing, she was immediately intrigued. She had seen others promoting products on social media and earning commissions for every sale they made, and she was eager to try it out for herself.

However, before diving headfirst into the world of affiliate marketing, Mary knew she needed to do her research. She had heard stories of people who had lost money or had their accounts banned due to fraudulent activity, and she didn’t want to risk her reputation or her business.

So, she decided to seek advice from experienced affiliates and industry experts. She read articles and attended workshops, learning everything she could about the ins and outs of affiliate marketing in Nigeria.

And when she felt confident and well-informed, Mary finally took the plunge and joined an affiliate program. With her hard work and dedication, she was able to successfully promote products and earn commissions, growing her business and income in the process.

Thanks to her careful research and preparation, Mary was able to navigate the world of affiliate marketing in Nigeria with confidence and success. And if you’re considering joining the affiliate marketing scene in Nigeria, she highly recommends doing the same.

Mary’s journey was a bit different because he started by acquiring the right knowledge and information before jumping right into it, right? Exactly, that is one of the secrets of running a successful affiliate marketing, and in this post, I will be sharing with you other important information you will need to achieve an incredible result in Nigeria as an affiliate marketer.

What is affiliate marketing in Nigeria?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy in which a business rewards affiliates for each customer brought to the business by the affiliate’s marketing efforts. In Nigeria, affiliate marketing involves promoting a company’s products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through a unique referral link or coupon code.

Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative way for individuals or businesses to earn extra income by promoting products or services they believe in. It can also be a cost-effective way for businesses to reach new customers and increase sales.

In Nigeria, affiliates typically promote products or services through social media, blogs, email campaigns, or other online channels. They may also use offline methods such as distributing flyers or promoting products in person.

To get started with affiliate marketing in Nigeria, affiliates must first join an affiliate program and receive a unique referral link or coupon code. They can then start promoting the products or services and earning commissions for every sale made through their referral link or coupon code.

It’s important for affiliates in Nigeria to carefully research the companies and products they promote and to disclose any affiliations to their audience. They should also be aware of any laws or regulations related to affiliate marketing in the country.

Is affiliate marketing profitable in Nigeria?

Let no one deceive you, affiliate marketing is still very profitable, here in Nigeria and all over the world. I have friends in the USA and UK whose primary source of income is mainly through affiliate marketing, and they make tons of money monthly.

But like every great thing, the caveat is simple, you have to put in the work, and you are likely going to experience a slow start as a newbie. It’s important to keep in mind that the level of profitability can vary significantly. Factors that can impact the profitability of affiliate marketing in Nigeria include the type of product or service being promoted, the commissions offered by the affiliate program, the effectiveness of the affiliate’s marketing efforts, and the overall demand for the product or service.

Some affiliates in Nigeria may earn a full-time income from their affiliate marketing efforts, while others may only earn a small amount of extra income on the side. It’s also possible for affiliates to lose money if they are not careful about choosing the right products to promote or if they incur costs associated with their marketing efforts.

To increase the chances of success and profitability in affiliate marketing in Nigeria, it’s important for affiliates to carefully research the products and companies they promote and to choose reputable and well-paying affiliate programs. It’s also important to consistently put effort into marketing and promoting the products and to track and analyze results to identify what works and what doesn’t.

Where to learn affiliate marketing in Nigeria

At the moment, there are institutes or formal learning structures for affiliate marketing in Nigeria, most people who hit it were self-taught and heavily relied on content from other countries. Some enrolled in foreign training courses as an initial launch pad to kickstart their journey. I will suggest you have to search these guys out, mostly on social media.

There are tons of thought leaders in the affiliate marking community in Nigeria, and as much as I won’t want to personally give a direct recommendation, Toyin Omotoso (owner of Expertnaire) has been consistent over the years and I think he is a great thought leader to follow.

What are the challenges of Affiliate Marketers in Nigeria

What are the challenges of Affiliate Marketers in Nigeria

There are several challenges that affiliates in Nigeria may face, including:

  1. Competition: Affiliate marketing can be competitive, especially in popular niches or for products with high demand. To stand out in a crowded market, affiliates in Nigeria may need to put in extra effort to promote their products and differentiate themselves from other affiliates.
  2. Fraud: Unfortunately, fraud is a common problem in the affiliate marketing industry. Some affiliates in Nigeria may use dishonest or unethical tactics to promote products, such as creating fake reviews or using bots to generate fake clicks on their referral links. This can lead to account bans or decreased trust in the industry as a whole.
  3. Payment issues: Some affiliates in Nigeria may experience issues with getting paid by the companies they promote. This could be due to payment delays, incomplete payments, or other issues. It’s important for affiliates to carefully research the companies they promote and to choose reputable programs with a history of paying affiliates on time and in full.
  4. Lack of education: Some affiliates in Nigeria may not have a strong understanding of how affiliate marketing works or how to effectively promote products. This can lead to low sales and low commissions. Affiliates need to educate themselves and seek out resources and training to improve their skills and knowledge.
  5. Reduction in Margin or Profit Line due to cost of importation: A lot of affiliate marketers in Nigeria do their affiliate marketing with imported products and services, and the cost of importation reduces the overall margin or profit line for such affiliate marketers.

How to be a successful affiliate marketer in Nigeria

To be a successful affiliate marketer in Nigeria, you will need to put in the effort and consistently work to improve your skills and knowledge. Here are a few tips for achieving success as an affiliate marketer in Nigeria:

  1. Choose a niche or product you are passionate about: By promoting products or services that you are genuinely interested in, you will be more motivated to put in the effort and will be able to authentically share your experiences with your audience.
  2. Find a reputable affiliate program: Look for affiliate programs that offer high commission rates, have a good reputation, and are known for paying affiliates on time and in full. This will help ensure that you are earning a fair return for your efforts.
  3. Use effective marketing tactics: Experiment with different marketing tactics and track your results to see what works best for your audience. This could include social media marketing, email marketing, blogging, video marketing, or offline methods.
  4. Educate yourself: Continuously learn about affiliate marketing and keep up to date with industry trends. Attend workshops, read articles and books, and seek out resources and training to improve your skills and knowledge.
  5. Be transparent and disclose your affiliations: It’s important to be transparent with your audience and to disclose any affiliations you have with the products or companies you promote. This will help build trust and credibility with your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do affiliate marketing in Nigeria?

Yes, anyone in Nigeria can participate in affiliate marketing as long as they can join an affiliate program and promote products or services online or offline. To get started with affiliate marketing in Nigeria, you will need to choose a product or service to promote and find a reputable affiliate program that offers commissions for sales made through your referral link or coupon code.

Many different industries and products offer affiliate programs in Nigeria, so you should be able to find a program that aligns with your interests and expertise. Some popular industries for affiliate marketing in Nigeria include e-commerce, digital products, and travel.

To be successful in affiliate marketing in Nigeria, it’s important to consistently put effort into promoting the products and to track and analyze your results to identify what works and what doesn’t. It’s also important to be transparent with your audience and to disclose any affiliations you have with the products or companies you promote.

Overall, anyone in Nigeria can potentially succeed in affiliate marketing as long as they are willing to put in the effort and are careful about choosing reputable products and programs.

Affiliate marketing in Nigeria that pays?

Many affiliate programs in Nigeria offer commissions for sales made through your referral link or coupon code. To find affiliate programs that pay well, you can do some research and compare the commissions and terms offered by different programs.

Here are a few tips for finding affiliate programs in Nigeria that pay well:

  • Look for high commission rates: Some affiliate programs offer higher commission rates than others. Look for programs that offer at least 20% commission on sales, as these are more likely to provide a good return on your marketing efforts.
  • Consider the price of the product: Higher-priced products generally offer higher commissions, so look for programs that promote products with a higher price point.
  • Check the affiliate program’s reputation: Look for affiliate programs that have a good reputation and are known for paying affiliates on time and in full. You can check reviews and ask for recommendations from other affiliates to find reputable programs.
  • Choose a program with a high conversion rate: A high conversion rate means that more visitors to your referral link are likely to make a purchase. Look for programs with a proven track record of high conversion rates to increase your chances of earning commissions.
  • Consider the type of product: Some products, such as digital products and recurring subscription services, tend to have higher commissions and longer cookie periods (the length of time a referral link is tracked), which can increase your earning potential.

Affiliate marketing in Nigeria without a website?

It is possible to do affiliate marketing in Nigeria without a website, although having a website can be beneficial in terms of building credibility and reaching a wider audience. There are several ways to promote products or services as an affiliate in Nigeria without a website:

  • Social media: Many affiliates in Nigeria use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote products and earn commissions. You can create a social media account, build a following, and share your referral link or coupon code with your followers.
  • Email marketing: If you have a large email list, you can use email marketing to promote products and earn commissions. You can create email campaigns highlighting the products and including your referral link or coupon code.
  • Blogging: If you have a blog or are a guest blogger on someone else’s blog, you can use your blog to promote products and earn commissions. You can write reviews, roundups, or other content that features the products and includes your referral link or coupon code.
  • YouTube: You can create a YouTube channel and use video content to promote products and earn commissions. You can create product reviews, tutorials, or other types of videos that showcase the products and include your referral link or coupon code in the video description.
  • Offline methods: You can also use offline methods to promote products and earn commissions as an affiliate in Nigeria. This could include distributing flyers, promoting products in person, or advertising through print or broadcast media.


My final thought on this is that affiliate marketing in Nigeria can be a lucrative way for individuals or businesses to earn extra income by promoting products or services they believe in. However, it’s important for affiliates to carefully research the products and companies they promote and to choose reputable and well-paying affiliate programs. It’s also important to consistently put effort into marketing and promoting the products and to track and analyze results to identify what works and what doesn’t. By following these tips and being transparent with their audience, affiliates in Nigeria can increase their chances of success in the industry.