How to secure Digital marketing jobs in Lagos

Digital Marketing Jobs in Lagos are becoming more competitive, here are things you must know before you apply than can stand you out
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My friend recently decided to try his luck in digital marketing jobs in Lagos and he was quite determined to make it work. He started by researching digital marketing and digital trends related to the Nigerian market and familiarized himself with digital marketing tools such as Google Analytics and content management systems like WordPress.

He then connected with digital marketing professionals and digital influencers in Lagos by attending digital marketing events and digital industry meetups. He also signed up on job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to look for digital marketing vacancies.

He also worked hard to increase his digital marketing network by joining digital marketing forums, participating in digital industry discussions, and commenting on digital blogs. He even created his digital portfolio and digital resume to showcase the digital marketing skills he had.

Eventually, my friend secured digital marketing jobs in Lagos with the help of his digital network. He was able to show potential employers that he had the required digital marketing knowledge and experience while also showcasing himself as an individual willing to learn and grow within digital marketing.

My friend’s success story proves that digital marketing jobs in Lagos can be obtained if you are willing to put in the hard work and dedication needed to succeed. In this article, I will be sharing with you all what you need to know about digital marketing jobs in Lagos, and how you can job hunt and secure a role for yourself.

Digital marketing and what it entails

Digital marketing is a broad term that refers to the use of digital technologies and channels to promote or market products and services. This includes a range of tactics and strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, online advertising, and more. The goal of digital marketing is to reach potential customers and convert them into customers by creating and sharing valuable content that is relevant to their needs and interests.

One of the key components of digital marketing is the use of online platforms and channels to reach potential customers. This can include a company’s website, as well as social media channels, email, and other online platforms that can be used to connect with customers and share content.

Digital marketing efforts often focus on creating and sharing valuable content that is relevant to the target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content that provide value to the audience and help to build trust and credibility for the company. By creating and sharing this content, companies can engage with potential customers and build relationships that can lead to sales.

In addition to creating and sharing content, digital marketing efforts can also involve the use of online advertising to reach potential customers. This can include tactics such as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, display advertising, and retargeting, among others. These tactics can be effective in reaching potential customers who are interested in the products or services being offered.

In a nutshell, digital marketing is a complex and evolving field that involves the use of a wide range of tactics and strategies to promote products and services online. By creating and sharing valuable content, engaging with customers on social media, and using online advertising, businesses can reach potential customers and convert them into customers.

The different types of digital marketing jobs available

Digital marketing jobs can range from digital strategists who develop digital marketing strategies for businesses to digital media planners who manage digital advertising campaigns. There are also positions such as content writers, digital marketers, social media specialists, and more. Depending on the company, there may be a variety of digital marketing job positions available.

Here are the top 10 digital marketing jobs in Lagos

  1. Digital marketing manager: responsible for developing and implementing a company’s digital marketing strategy.
  2. SEO specialist: focuses on improving a website’s search engine rankings.
  3. Content marketing specialist: responsible for creating and sharing valuable content to engage with potential customers.
  4. Social media manager manages a company’s social media accounts and helps to create and share content.
  5. Email marketing specialist: responsible for creating and sending email campaigns to engage with potential customers.
  6. Online advertising specialist: focuses on using online advertising tactics, such as pay-per-click (PPC) and retargeting, to reach potential customers.
  7. Web analyst: analyzes website data to understand customer behavior and improve digital marketing efforts.
  8. UX designer: designs user experiences for websites and mobile apps to improve user engagement and conversions.
  9. Conversion rate optimization specialist: focuses on improving the rate at which website visitors become customers.
  10. Marketing automation specialist: responsible for using marketing automation software to manage and improve digital marketing efforts.

How to find digital marketing jobs in Lagos

Finding any role in Lagos can be daunting as you may already know, and this is because of the huge number of job applicants who are constantly looking for a new roles. Trust me, the competition is at an all-time high even for a digital marketing role. If you are looking for digital marketing jobs in Lagos, there are several steps you can take to find available opportunities:

Search online job boards: there are many online job boards, such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed, where you can search for digital marketing jobs in Lagos.

Use social media: many companies use social media to advertise job openings, so be sure to follow relevant companies on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up-to-date on job opportunities.

Check company websites: many companies will post job openings on their website, so be sure to check the careers or job listings section of the websites of the companies you are interested in working for.

Network with industry professionals: attending events, conferences, and networking groups related to digital marketing can be a great way to connect with industry professionals and learn about job opportunities.

Use a recruitment agency: many recruitment agencies specialize in placing professionals in digital marketing jobs, so you may want to consider using their services to help you find a job.

Increased Visibility: By utilizing a successful SEO strategy, your website will become more visible to potential customers, leading to an influx of clicks and visits.

Improved Brand Awareness: SEO is pivotal in increasing your marketing exposure, making sure that you stand out from the competition and are prominently presented on search engine results pages. Furthermore, SEO will strengthen brand awareness among customers and leads!

Increased Traffic: Enhancing your website’s visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs) can help you acquire more organic traffic, thus boosting your web presence.

Improved ROI: SEO is the key to maximizing your ROI, as it drives more potential consumers to your site and increases both sales and revenue.

The skills required for digital marketing jobs

Just like every other role such as software development, you have to be grounded and well-equipped with the right skills before you can take a role in digital marketing. The skills required can vary depending on the specific job and the company, but some common skills are typically required for most digital marketing positions. These can include:

Strong writing and communication skills: digital marketing involves creating and sharing written content, so strong writing and communication skills are essential.

Knowledge of marketing principles and strategies: a good understanding of marketing principles and strategies, such as the customer journey and the sales funnel, can be beneficial in digital marketing.

Familiarity with digital tools and platforms: digital marketing involves the use of a wide range of digital tools and platforms, so it is important to have some familiarity with these tools and platforms.

Analytical skills: digital marketing involves analyzing data and metrics to understand customer behavior and improve marketing efforts, so strong analytical skills are important.

Ability to think out of the box: digital marketing often involves coming up with new and creative ideas for content and campaigns, so creativity is an important skill for many digital marketing jobs.

Flexibility and willingness to learn on the job: the digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, so flexibility and the ability to adapt to new technologies and trends are important.

Partnership and Collaboration with product team and customers: digital marketing often involves working with a team of other professionals, so the ability to collaborate and work well with others is essential.

How to prepare for a digital marketing interview

Once you find digital marketing job opportunities in Lagos, you will likely be invited to an interview. Preparing for digital marketing interviews can be a bit different than preparing for other types of interviews, as there are often digital-specific questions that you may need to answer. Here are some tips for preparing for digital marketing interviews:

Review the job description: make sure you review the job description and qualifications so that you understand exactly what is expected of you.

Research digital marketing trends: digital marketing involves staying up-to-date with the latest trends, so be sure to do some research on digital marketing trends before your interview.

Practice responding to digital marketing questions: there are many digital marketing-specific questions that you may be asked during an interview, so it is important to practice your responses before the interview.

Come prepared with digital marketing examples: digital marketing requires creating content and campaigns, so it can be helpful to come prepared with digital marketing examples that showcase your work and highlight your skills.

Be prepared to discuss digital marketing tools: digital marketing involves using digital tools, so be prepared to discuss the various digital tools that you are familiar with and how you have used them.

Come with questions: interviews are a two-way street, so it is important to come up with questions that you can ask your interviewer about the digital marketing role, the company, and digital marketing in general.

Salary expectations for digital marketing jobs in Lagos

Now to the part of the discussion that you have been looking forward to, how rewarding is digital marketing in Nigeria? Salaries for digital marketing jobs in Lagos can vary depending on the company and the specific digital marketing role. Generally, digital marketing roles pay higher salaries than other types of digital jobs, as digital marketing requires specialized skills and experience. Digital marketers with more experience may also have higher salaries than those without as much experience. This may range from N150,000 to as high as N1,000,000 depending on the level of skill one has, negotiation power driven by the value you will be bringing to the table and of course, the need of the company recruiting for that role.

How to get a digital marketing job in Lagos

Getting a digital marketing job in Lagos requires a combination of the right skills, experience, and luck. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Network: digital marketing is an industry where relationships are key, so it is important to network with digital marketers and professionals in the digital marketing field. This can be done through attending digital marketing events, joining digital marketing-related groups or associations, and connecting with digital marketers on social media.

Get certified: certifications can help demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers. There are a variety of digital marketing certifications available, so make sure you do your research to find the right one for you.

Create an online portfolio: It requires creating campaigns and content, so it can be helpful to have a digital portfolio that showcases your work. This can include digital marketing projects you have done for school or on the side, as well as digital marketing jobs you have held in the past.

Be persistent: this is a competitive field, so, you should be persistent and patient when it comes to getting a digital marketing job in Lagos. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back right away, but keep networking and applying for digital marketing jobs until you find the perfect fit.


There are many digital marketing jobs in Lagos, and the salaries for these positions can vary depending on your skills and experience. It is important to network with digital marketers and professionals in the digital marketing field to increase your chances of getting a job in this industry. You should also be prepared to discuss digital marketing tools and techniques during an interview.

If you are looking for Digital Marketing Roles, you can use the ProvenCV Job website!