New Website No Traffic? 5 Reasons why no one is visiting your website

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New Website No Traffic

Nothing is as worrisome or disturbing as building a website and never getting substantial traffic on it, or at worse, any traffic on it at all. It’s a nightmare for a business owner who had thought the website would bring in so many sales and help grow the business. Indeed, new website no traffic is something you should be worried about

Weeks and months can roll by after the launch of the website without getting a single person to say ‘I want to buy your product’ or ‘I need your service’. The first culprit to blame is usually the web developer, who may be inexperienced in the first place.

While the developer is inexcusable, the pain, frustration, and even financial implication lie more on the business owner, who will have to now face the hard choice of figuring out how to make the website attract and sell or completely abandon the website while focusing on other traffic channels.

One thing is however imperative, the website remains the biggest, and maybe the highest source of ready-to-buy customers when properly deployed. Unfortunately, most businesses can’t figure out how to make this work out for them. Aside from fintech companies that rely on website technology to drive their processes, other sectors in Nigeria have struggled to maximize what they can get from a website.

The question is, why is your website not converting or attracting traffic? What have you missed? Is this the norm? And what can you do to change this and turn your website into a ruthless and highly effective salesman that can sell tons of your product and service every single day, I will be sharing this with you in this post.

  • Why no one Is visiting your website;
    • You didn’t have a traffic, conversion, and sales plan in mind when you started your website project
    • You hired the wrong website designer to develop your website for you
    • Your website can’t be found, it is not on google
    • Very poor search engine optimization on both your website and on google
    • Competitive niche with no superior content strategy
  • What to do to start getting traffic on your website
  • What are the different sources of traffic you can get on your website
  • Conclusion

Why no one Is visiting your website

If you ever need a product, solve a problem, they say;

It can be heart wrecking when you check the number of people who have visited your website, ordered/booked for your product and services and you barely get one or two in a month, or in some situations Zero, there is no other word than a huge frustration.

Remember that, before you can even question whether your product is good or not, or it’s your sales pitch, you must have had several people who have gone through this process. It is just like opening an outlet of a retail shop in Lagos or Abuja, and no one visits your shop. This is the first and most important problem to consider solving, since without getting a steady flow of people checking what you have, you won’t be able to tweak or know if any other thing in your process needs improvement or a change of strategy.

Reasons, why people are not visiting your website, can range from the fact that your website was never built to be found on the internet due to some serious SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Issue to the fact that, your competitors are doing a better job than you are. Whether your product targets a Nigerian audience or the International Market, only websites that Google believes gives the visitor the best value and information will be ranked ahead of others.

No website traffic
No website traffic

You didn’t have a traffic, conversion, and sales plan in mind when you started your website project

The website does not just get traffic by accident, people will only find your website after you have deliberately implemented a strategy to attract them. However, this is the very first mistake a lot of business owners who spent money building websites that do not convert make.

They never set a projected traffic target for their website, maybe, because they do not know how much sales their website can bring for them, or they don’t know how to.

Imagine if you had a 2,000 or 10,000 monthly traffic target, this will make you ask questions right from the onset, like;

            How will I get this traffic?
            What do I need to do to make sure this traffic gets to my website?
            What number of people would you want on your website monthly to achieve a sales targe?t

Oludare Junaid

Answering these questions will help you determine, who you need to hire to build your website for you, what tool you need to install on the website, and many other processes required to attract people to your website

You hired the wrong website designer to develop your website for you;

It’s okay if you don’t know all the technical jargon about ranking and all, as a business owner with so many other things to sort, you don’t necessarily need to. This is why it is important to hire the best hand to get the job done. How do you know if you are hiring the right developer?

Having a superfast, responsive website is great, but it’s never enough. The lifeblood of your business is your sales, don’t you think it makes more sense to have all these features plus the most important one, your website has been able to attract tons of people on daily basis.

Any website developer can give you a dynamic website, especially when using a content management system like WordPress with custom themes that are already sleek, dynamic, and responsive. But it takes due diligence to hire the right one that understands driving website traffic and conversion.

Also Read: 5 critical reasons Why website is important for small business in Nigeria, 2022

Your website can’t be found, it is not on Google

If you have never submitted your website on the Google Search Console, your website may never be crawled and indexed on Google search engine and other search engines, which means your website may never be found. Ideally, this should be part of the checklist that must be completed by the development agency or your website designer.

Just because you are not aware of this, many designers most times do not bother to either inform you about the need to add this to your website, or they won’t even bother to implement it at all… there is no magic anyone can do, and it’s a key SEO step that must be taken once your website has been completed. The website (website map) is not only submitted, all pages of the website and content on the website are properly described to google in a way google can relate it to the keyword your website ranks for or answers it provides to users.

Very poor search engine optimization on both your website

Google result page is crowded, you have tons of results rolling out once you hit the enter button and what is the most important thing is how you get people to see your website description first. This is a serious game of attention. Everyone wants to be seen.

Creating a complete sitemap helps google understand the structure of your website and readability improves. However, this only isn’t enough, an in-depth knowledge of on-page SEO is required which right short copies to get attention on the crowded Google result page. Except you are SEO savvy, you will probably need to hire the best team to get this done for you.

There is also good news for content creators in Nigeria who wants to rank, if your target audience is Nigerians, you have a good chance of ranking quickly if you put in a bit of work as localized content is still little, especially in most niches, though, this still requires a great deal of work, like creating 100 high-value blog contents on your website to start with


If your reason for embarking on the journey of having your website as a business owner is to improve your sales and revenue, and exposure to millions of online audiences who are actively looking for products and services you sell, then you must realize you must be in their faces before they can consider you are buying options.

Creating a website is not enough to avoid a new website no traffic issue; without a master strategy to attract these people, show them offers they cannot refuse, and close the deal. This will require you to hire the right web developer with a proven track record of creating sales machines that has generated millions in revenue to replicate the same process for you.

If you do not know where you can get one, I can recommend one here for you; click here to speak with a sales-oriented website developer now

Oludare Junaid

I am an online conversion expert with over 5 years experience in online customer acquisition through paid channels and Google Search Engine with more than 100,000 new customers acquired and millions in revenue for my clients that cross across various sectors.