Plans to hire website designer in Nigeria? 3 things you must consider

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Stop it now! Don’t Pay for a new website, renew a website or hire website designer without reading this important piece of information that can help you save lots of money that can go down the drain!

This is how many business owners with a website have continued to waste lots of money every year building websites that are ‘useless.

I constantly feel for a lot of business owners who spend money building websites that they never really benefit from. Enough of people wasting their hard-earned money on building a website that would eventually never produce a result.

Oludare Junaid

Don’t get me wrong, I do not intend to make you feel bad, but I owe you the truth. Especially, one that has been kept away from you by website designers, maybe not deliberately.

At a time in the life of your business, it became obvious you needed a website!

“Once you have a website, more people will be able to notice you”

“You will begin to get more sales and customers”

These and several promises were made and of course, you jump right on it, like everyone else. But now, it’s been six months, maybe yours is even one year since you launched your website, and not even one customer has reached out to you through your website?

This is usually when reality sets in and you begin to question the huge investment and money paid to build the website, or you will begin to question the need to waste money renewing the hosting and domain name, which may run into several thousand annually.

This is usually the pain of many website owners who have either abandoned their website because it doesn’t bring any new customers or had to completely stop making payments for renewal.

In the contrast, many business owners, especially outside Nigeria and a few ones in Nigeria, have turned their website into a money bag, that generates thousands to millions of sales for their business every month. Traffic and conversion on these websites alone trumps, hands down, any other physical advert, campaign, or activation.

Why? They built a website that converts like crazy, just like placing an athlete on steroids, they have mastered the art of selling online and selling to millions of people 24/7 without a single second of sleep.

Why did you get it wrong? Whether you already have a website or you intend to build your website, even if it is currently ongoing, in this article, I will be sharing with you;

  • Why your current website has not given you any customers or why your new website can be money down the drain
  • What you can do to make your website sell so fast that you will run out of stocks within days or attracts too many customers that you can handle (that is a good challenge to have)
  • Steps to follow if you ever want to build a website that will generate and convert thousands of customers monthly
  • What you should look out for before hiring a website design agency

There is one vital lesson you have to consider here before I completely dive into sharing with you this secret that will help you generate millions of sales from your website.

A friend, Gbenga, who started a Digital Health Record management startup company, invested heavily in building all the tech infrastructures including the website. Supposedly, he hired the best designer who could give him a sleek, responsive, and beautiful website, this almost cost him an arm and a leg.

Eventually, the website was completed, it was indeed elegant and super sleek, loads fast, and responsive on all mobile devices. But months down the line, they were not generating any sales. He thought he should give it some time, maybe the website will start to bring in customers. After two years, he was almost giving up on the prospect of the website yielding any good sales when he reached out to me and we painstakingly redesign the website.

This was not after he has wasted close to one million naira, in the initial development of the website, running adverts to direct traffic to the website and with no one still paying for any of his services.

On the other hand, we have crafted and I have seen several websites that constantly sell like crazy, and gets hundreds of appointment booking for spa, salon, and hospital visit every week. The difference is simple, one was built never to sell (not deliberately though) while the other was built to be the perfect salesman online that keeps converting.

Also Read: New Website No Traffic? 5 Reasons why no one is visiting your website

Why your current website has not given you any customers or why your new website can be money down the drain

One of the critical questions I usually ask new clients or anyone who intends to own a website for personal and business use is;

Why do you need a website!

Responses I always get are underwhelming and disappointing, maybe owning to a lack of understanding of what difference a website that can convert can do to their business. It can make or mal the entire business.

They don’t always know this.

The usual response is;

“I want to have an online portfolio”

“I want people to know we have a website, so they can trust us that we are legitimate and not a fraudster”

“We want to be online”


Business owner, what would you rather have; A website that generates 10,000 organic monthly traffic, that converts about 10% of the traffic; that’s a whopping 1,000 people buying from you. If your profit margin on your product is just N10,000, what that means is that your website alone gave you N10M profit. Without losing sleep, without doing anything? Just imagine that!

Perhaps, can we now ask why your current website is not converting? Here are 5 key pointers why your website may continue not to convert or bring any new customers to your current business;

  1. It was never built to be found online;
    Let’s say you have just moved into a new city, and you went online to search for the best house cleaning agency in that city, Google will only show you the top website, that it understands to be providing this service to you. This is where the problem lies for most brands, they were never built to be found! No in-depth keyword research to know what questions millions of people who go online ask right now, or search queries. On the other hand, Google doesn’t even understand the structure of these websites or what they were meant for. This is the reason why, if you search for questions around your services, you will never show up on the Google search result front page. The only time you appear is when you search directly for your brand name. Unfortunately, people who need help, or the product you sell do not even know you exist or know your brand name, these people are millions. I mean millions of these searches go on every month, while you completely miss out.
  2. Your website only talks about you;
    Once you open your website, what you likely will find is “We are the top blablabla”
    “Our Mission”
    “Our Vision”

    A lot of personal information, unfortunately, people who need your services do not care about you, or your history until they have found help and only need validation. This is why, when people get to your website, they leave instantly. Again think of landing on a website of a cleaning agency, the burning questions on your mind will be how quickly can they get the job done for me, are they affordable, will they be thorough with cleaning, and then an offer that no other cleaning company is giving, like, an offer that is too tempting and too huge that you are already getting the adrenaline to click on ‘hire us now button’
  3. You sell too much;
    Let’s face it, people are tired of being sold to regardless of the economic status of the nation. They just naturally dislike the “buy” “Buy” kind of message that liters everywhere on the internet. It’s not your fault that you didn’t realize this, but it is what it is, if you land on a website, with many questions, and all you see on the website, without any of your questions or objections being answered is just “Buy now” you are likely going to look for someone else who has better answers for your questions.

It’s really simple, people prefer to be helped rather than being sold to. I will naturally place my trust in a friend or anyone who I perceive to have my genuine interest and wants to help me.  In selling online, trust is the single most important factor here. Once you lose it, you will keep losing drones of customers without getting a chance to even let them see how you can be of help to them.

What you can do to make your website sell so fast that you will run out of stocks within days or attracts too many customers that you can handle (that is a good challenge to have)

Enough of talking about what has not worked!

What if you can right now turn your website into your perfect salesman, that attracts and converts thousands of visitors into high-paying customers?

Yes, that is possible if you can painstakingly follow these checklists;

  • Find out what exactly is your customer’s pain point;
    Everything starts with what exactly my customers want. Do not mistake this with what you think they want, you might be completely wrong. A perfect example is when you think a customer would prefer to eat in your restaurant, whereas, more than 90% of them want the food to be delivered to them. Now think of building your website to attract customers who want to now go out to eat, without the option of delivery that the majority want, your guess is as good as mine, they will leave your website the moment they land on it.
    The starting point of any successful sales process is understanding what goes on in the mind of your potential customer, what their real pains are, what they have done In the past that didn’t work out for them, and the burning desire or question they have, what they are even yarning for.

    If you hire a good conversion expert like me, there are bunches of tools that we use to do extensive research online to narrow down on want your customers want. We do days of research and identify keywords, questions, trends, and patterns, and eventually, list their major pain point.
  • You need funnels and a Specific Conversion landing page;

Now that you have simplified all communication by first identifying pain points and objections, the next is to uniquely create landing pages and corresponding funnels for different segments of your products and services as required.

You want to have tailored and bespoke conversion sales copies, which will reduce ‘noise’ or distraction and help whoever lands on your website to make a buying decision. If you have properly addressed all their objections, and thrown an irresistible offer on their face, there is no way you won’t get an instant “YES” from a minimum of 20 to 60% of your website’s new users.

  • Create a Content Strategy;
    You can’t possibly drive a car without a source of energy, whether it’s electric or fossil fuel, same applies here with your website, what drives traffic is content that is planned and data-driven. Millions of people will continue to surf the internet for information that can help them, you can only attract these people when you provide them with the help they are looking for, at which point they will be more than happy to part with their money for you. If you observe closely, I have repeatedly emphasized ‘Help’ as the keyword here!

  • Implement a complete search engine optimization;
    No big grammar here, your ability to structure and describe your website to google will go a long way to determine whether it will be easy to crawl and recommended by google as the best source of information for particular search terms or not. There is no two way around this, you have to invest heavily in structuring your website, providing all Header Tags, Meta Description, and other Technical SEO on the backend of the website, this is what you run alongside the content strategy you have created.
    Remember that, no one will find your content useful if they can’t even see it on google.

Steps to follow if you ever want to build a website that will generate and convert thousands of customers monthly

You are ready to make a perfect website that sells till you are tired (who ever gets tired of selling?) Now that I have described the problem and what you should look out for, plus reasons why you have not been converting, it’s time to know what to do.

I understand that some of the terms I have used, you may not understand well enough, since you are not a tech or website guru, these steps below will, however, assist you to know what to do to get your first perfect sales website or redesign your website to convert tons of people daily;

Here are the steps you should follow;

  • Identify and clearly state your product features and functionality
  • Conduct research among your service users or customers on why the
  • Do your proper research to find a web developer who has sales experience and has built not just good websites but ones that convert so well
  • Have a solid content marketing strategy to capture cold and warm prospects which makes the bulk of the internet users; about 97%.
  • Implement all analytics that can give you raw data of what is happening so you can measure improvements, identify key pointers and tweak as required.

What you should look out for before hiring a website design agency

If you do not care about spending money on building a website that would not yield any results or convert any sales for your business, then you can hire anyone. The reality here is, just about anyone can build a website, especially with tools like WIX and WordPress; but only a few can build a website that can truly sell and change the fortune of your business.

Make the ability to make attract and convert new customers a key index in measuring the success of your website project. Only hire a design/Sales agency, like me, that can deliver this for your business.


Your website can bring you Millions in revenue if you know how well to create a perfect sales engine, syncing with a good marketing strategy. You can stop leaving sales on the table Whether yours is a new website project or an existing website, that has not attracted or converted visitors into high-paying customers, all you need is the right website sales strategy to make your sales go over the roof.

If you have an existing website, I can audit it for you and tell you what is wrong, and what you can do, to change the future of your business. Click Here Now To Claim A Free Consultation With Me

Oludare Junaid

I am an online conversion expert with over 5 years experience in online customer acquisition through paid channels and Google Search Engine with more than 100,000 new customers acquired and millions in revenue for my clients that cross across various sectors.